Whenever the hard drive gets damaged the biggest concern for anyone is whether my data also has been lost or it is still saved. Whether we can still get access to our data or not, or if it has been lost can it be recovered? These few questions immediately pops up in our mind the minute the hard drive gets crash down. If you are in this situation and is really tensed for your important data saved in the hard drive, then don’t panic and get it repaired through Toshiba Repair Centre.
If the Problem is with the Software
1. Sometimes due to software problem we are not able to open the file even if the data on the damaged hard drive gets accessed. Computer does not let you access the data saved on the broken hard drive.
2. Built-in Rescue and Recovery Software might help:- There is a built-in software in the hard drive that helps to store files perfectly. However, if there is any kind of virus attack on your pc or laptop then this software can also not help so make sure to have good antivirus installed in your pc. Rescue and recovery software will help you to recover you data.
3. You can even use recovery programs if you have in your pc or can check online.
4. Pc with the Windows Operating System installed can get the access of Rescue and Recovery Utility wizard by click on 'Start’; button and then searching the utility by clicking on "Search".
If Your PC is Having Any Hardware Issues
1. There is a possibility that either the hard drive disk gets damaged or the head is unable to read the information. When this happens you will hear a clicking sound or some kind of grinding noises which indicates that the hard drive is crashed or damaged. There can be other problems that can occur like hard drive is unable to spin, fall of your pc or laptop that has resulted in hard disk component failure, mechanical or electrical failure due to floor, fire, or short circuit, virus attacks or corruption of server.
In this situation hard drive needs to get open to get it repaired. Only a professional can do this task. So it’s better to call Toshiba Laptop Repair Service Centre which will come to your home and do the repairing process. If the professional uses PC-3000 tool then the chances of saving of your drive are high.
2. Once the repairing is done you can check your hard drive by reinstalling it back to your computer. Put it back and restart your pc to see if your data or files can be recovered or not. Still if your data is not accessible then the issue is either with the board or the access ports.
Replace the access ports if the issues have occurred with the external hard drive. You can shift the hard drive by setting it into a new enclosure. Otherwise you might need to replace the board if the issues have occurred with the hard drive board. Make sure the board is compatible with the model of your computer or laptop.
3. After trying the above methods if still you are unable to access your damaged hard drive then the last option is to freeze your hard drive and get it connected to your pc to transfer files to safe location.
Toshiba Repair Service Handle Critical Situation Patiently.
In this situation anybody will loose hope of getting back all the saved data from the damaged hard disk. But our Toshiba techies are very well educated and trained and know various tips and tricks to recover the data from broken hard drive. Quickly our technicians will perform the repair process and try their 100% to get all your info back. Call instantly to Toshiba Laptop Repair Centre 0208 089 0419 for the issues you facing regarding your Hard Disk.
Also read this blog : Toshiba Repair Centre : A Hub for Solving Laptop Technical Problems